Calories in Apple Cider

Nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Apple Cider is shown below.

Popular types of Apple Cider

Apple Cider
Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Cals
1 cup 0.27 28.97 0.15 117
100 g 0.11 11.68 0.06 47
Sparkling Cider
Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Cals
1 cup 0.27 28.97 0.15 117
100 g 0.11 11.68 0.06 47
Apple Cider Flavored Drink (made From Powdered Mix, with Sugar and Vitamin C Added)
Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Cals
1 cup (8 fl oz) - 22.72 - 90
100 g - 9.09 - 36

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